This literature review aims at exploring the literature on the difficulties and potential of incorporating information technological support for commuter farmers in Zimbabwe. This source is specifically important as it offer a detailed assessment of the current status and functioning of these systems combined with examples of best practices and their comparison with similar measures taken in other countries, regions or states. It also mentions the major concerns such as infrastructural issues, lack of digital skills, lack of funds, and cultural issues and explore how best one can mitigate these concerns. It also looks at the various advantages thus; access to information; productivity; market outlet; and environmental issues as different dimensions of IT support systems. Moreover, the review presents policy implications and expectations for the future policies, agricultural firms, as well as researchers by pointing out that supportive policies, partnerships between the public and private sectors, and subsequent innovation is important for reaping the full benefits of digital transformation in the agri-food sector.
Keywords: Smallholder Farmers; IT Support Systems; Digital Transformation; Agriculture; Enterprise Architecture; Zimbabwe; Infrastructure Challenges; Digital Literacy; Policy Recommendations; Public Private Partnerships; Sustainable Agriculture; Market Access; Technological Innovation